Professional Insurance Evaluations helps homeowners and property owners in California who may have fallen victim to mistreatment by the California FAIR Plan Association. If you believe you may have received unfair treatment by the CA FAIR Plan Association, please read below to see how we can help you. You can learn more about the California FAIR Plan Association by clicking this link.
The California FAIR Plan issues policies with coverage that is not compliant with the standard California fire insurance policy found in California Insurance Code § 2071. This differential treatment is a mistreatment of California FAIR Plan policyholders and has caused major financial hardships for the property owner.
California FAIR Plan determines the “Fair Market Value” of your home or real property and then decides if they will pay that LOWER value if the damages caused by a covered peril are greater than the Fair Market Value.
This Fair Market Value is determined by a real estate appraiser hired by and beholden to California FAIR Plan Association. It is my experience that these real estate appraisals are low and the Fair Market Value amounts paid are unfairly measured against the damage to the real property.
We currently have a case in litigation where the California FAIR Plan insured the property for $425,000.00. After a loss, the damage was determined to be in excess of $362,000.00. California FAIR plan only paid $111,000.00 for this covered loss.
My efforts have located several California FAIR Plan policyholders who have been treated different and inferior to property owners in California who possess a standard California Insurance Code § 2071 fire insurance policy.
This Fair Market Value trap used by California FAIR Plan violates California Insurance Code § 2051 and § 2051.5. We have found that the California FAIR Plan policy does not reflect the changes made by the California legislature after the 2004 Cedar Fire in San Diego. Changes made include the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. Those changes were mandated in the property policies underwritten in California that MUST comply with California Insurance Code § 2071. FAIR Plan issues a policy that does offer coverage that is not compliant with standard California fire insurance policy found in California Insurance Code § 2071.
My reading of the policy issued by the California FAIR Plan Association does not reflect the changes mandated by the Homeowners Bill of Rights and that those policies are not in compliance. The result is the California FAIR Plan Association pays less than the proper covered property loss by using this Fair Market Value technique after a covered claim.
It is unfair by charging premium on a higher amount of coverage and when a claim occurs paying a lower amount because real estate values in the neighborhood or region have fallen.
I consider this unfair and my company will offer all the assistance to investigate your loss, evaluate your damages and force compliance with California Insurance Code § 2071, § 2051, § 2051.5.
Call Kevin K. Dawson at Professional Insurance Evaluations to obtain a fair and objective evaluation of your claim. If additional monies are owed or if an improper claims settlement technique was used in your claim recovery, we will take steps to recover the monies that you have been shorted.
We seek a fair and honest evaluation of your damage and will use all of our professional skills to obtain those funds for you for a potion of the money that we collect on your behalf.